September 1, 2024 by frbillnicholas HOW TO RESPECT AND RENEW CATHOLIC TRADITION Homily22nd Sunday of the Year – B “Tradition” is a word that is tossed around a lot in Catholic circles. Jesus criticizes the Pharisees clinging to human tradition. Fr. Bill preaches about what Tradition, what it means for the Church, what its origins and aims are and how we can renew and restore meaningful Catholic traditions.
August 16, 2024 by frbillnicholas SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE – AMERICAN STYLE Fr. Bill discusses the Western Political principle of the Separation of Church and State in light of Catholic Saints like Stephen of Hungary and the Gospel reading that is shared on the occasion of his Feast Day. Fr. Bill applies the example of St. Stephen to Modern Political Leaders who profess a Catholic Faith in a society that exercises the Separation of Church and State while also enjoying Freedom of Religion.
August 9, 2024 by frbillnicholas CATHOLIC/CHRISTIAN READING – Fr. Bill’s Recommendations Fr. Bill presents a handful of recommendations from Catholic History. Recommendations include the writings of such Church Fathers as Ignatius of Sts. Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, Augustine, Benedict as well as the works of St. John of the Cross, Theresa of Avila and Thomas Merton.
May 10, 2024 by frbillnicholas Is the “SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE” in the Bible? Post-Enlightenment Political Philosophers pushed the Separation of Church and State. The Founding of the United States enshrines a more evolved understanding of this Political Principle. Fr. Bill talks about the difference, and how the United States understanding of this Principle is actually expressed in the Bible.
April 12, 2024 by frbillnicholas TOTAL ECLIPSE – Is it a “Spiritual” Experience? Many news reporters and spectators described the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 as a “Spiritual” experience.Fr. Bill breaks down what this might mean in regard to the overall spirituality and religiosity of the nation, and how the image of a Total Eclipse fits into the spirituality and symbolism of Christianity.
March 17, 2024 by frbillnicholas ST. PATRICK OF IRELAND AND THE CONFIDENCE OF CHRISTIANS Homily5th Sunday of Lent / St. Patrick’s DayJohn 12:20-33 The Second Half of the Gospel of John presents a Confident Jesus, determined to carry out His Father’s will. St. Patrick evangelized Ireland with the same zeal and surety in his message and mission. Fr. Bill ties the two together, including a prayer from among the earliest tradition of Christian evangelization as the Church begins the final days and weeks of the Season of Lent.
March 15, 2024 by frbillnicholas LENTEN RESURRECTION Lent inevitably ends with the 50-day celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. Fr. Bill talks about how the Resurrection is presented in the Gospels, what patterns they follow, what themes they present, and how we can encounter the Risen Jesus continually as His Followers.
February 18, 2024 by frbillnicholas TEMPTING THE TEMPTER The Temptations of Jesus in the Desert———Homily – First Sunday of Lent Fr. Bill preaches on the Temptation of Jesus and how engaging fully in the practices, observances, penances and sacrifices during Lent actually invite temptation as part of the Spiritual Exercises of the season.
December 31, 2023 by frbillnicholas FAITH, FAMILY & FREEDOM Homily for HOLY FAMILY SUNDAYLuke 2:22-40 The stability of any Society depends on the stability of the Family. Fr. Bill preaches on how the Holy Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus symbolizes God’s entry and sanctification of the basic element of a free and stable society, the basic component of the Church, and ultimately, a basic symbol of God’s gift of Freedom.