YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY: WHY NOT?! – The 6th Commandment, pt. 1

Video #14 – The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Commit Adultery”

Human Sexuality is one of the hottest topics in Modern Society, and has been for centuries, if not throughout Human History. The Ten Commandments, however, calls us to something higher in the way will live out this important part of human relations.

Fr. Bill discusses the important factors God wants us to consider in living exercising this important part of our humanity and how the 6th Commandment calls us to rise above our basic Humanity to something appropriate to beings created in God’s Image and Likeness.

BAPTISM INTO CHRIST – The Baptism of Jesus

Homily – Feast of the Baptism of Jesus

How do the Seven Sacraments, starting with Baptism, reflect the Life of Jesus as we prepare for Eternal Life?

THE “END” OF MARRIAGE – What Did Jesus Say?

Homily – 32nd Sunday of the Year – C

“END” (noun) – an outcome worked toward; the object by virtue of or for the sake of which an event takes place. (Miriam-Webster)

What did Jesus have to say about a subject that has become one of the hottest topics of discussion today – Marriage?