Catholics throughout the world were excited with the canonization of John Paul II as a Saint, many calling for his designation as “The Great”. Fr. Bill discusses the “overlooked Pope” canonized the same day. What was the legacy of Pope St. John XXIII, and, perhaps, should he also be considered among “The Great” among Popes?

CUTTING OFF THE GREAT MILLSTONE – Why Did Jesus Use Such Extreme Rhetoric

Sunday Homily
26th Sunday of the Year – B
Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Cut off your hand! Cast into the sea with a great millstone around your neck! Jesus uses extreme language in his teaching. Fr. Bill discusses what it all means, why Jesus uses such language, and how we as Christians can follow such extreme teaching (without resorting to dismemberment).


Fr. Bill discusses the Western Political principle of the Separation of Church and State in light of Catholic Saints like Stephen of Hungary and the Gospel reading that is shared on the occasion of his Feast Day. Fr. Bill applies the example of St. Stephen to Modern Political Leaders who profess a Catholic Faith in a society that exercises the Separation of Church and State while also enjoying Freedom of Religion.

CATHOLIC/CHRISTIAN READING – Fr. Bill’s Recommendations

Fr. Bill presents a handful of recommendations from Catholic History. Recommendations include the writings of such Church Fathers as Ignatius of Sts. Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, Augustine, Benedict as well as the works of St. John of the Cross, Theresa of Avila and Thomas Merton.

St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Deepening of our Catholic Faith

St. Ignatius of Loyola experienced a conversion as a result of reading a work of Catholic Literature. Fr. Bill discusses the Treasure Trove of Literature that has emerged from the History of the Catholic Faith and how reading these works can help deepen our faith and, like St. Ignatius, lead to a deeper and more substantial understanding of that faith.


One of the Traditions of celebrating and receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation is the choosing of a “Confirmation Name”. Fr. Bill discusses the practice, its importance, and the many clumsy ways it is observed, especially during the celebration of Confirmation itself.


5th Sunday of Lent / St. Patrick’s Day

John 12:20-33

The Second Half of the Gospel of John presents a Confident Jesus, determined to carry out His Father’s will. St. Patrick evangelized Ireland with the same zeal and surety in his message and mission. Fr. Bill ties the two together, including a prayer from among the earliest tradition of Christian evangelization as the Church begins the final days and weeks of the Season of Lent.

The “Other Messiah” – John the Baptist

Homily – 3rd Sunday of Advent

Many believed John the Baptist was the Messiah, until he pointed out Jesus as the one who was to come after him.

Fr. Bill preaches on the mysterious person of John the Baptist, who he may have been, what the Gospels tell of him, and how the Church came to understand his important role in relation to Jesus.


Famous Converts to Catholicism
Homily – 25th Sunday of the Year
Matthew 20:1-16a
The Workers in the Vineyard

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard tells how different “workers” joined up at different times of the “day”. Fr. Bill preaches how some are born Catholic, while many become Catholic as Converts at different times of their lives, from childhood to the death bed. Who are some of the more famous people who we may or may not know, have converted to Catholicism. Some of them might surprise you.