CATHOLIC/CHRISTIAN READING – Fr. Bill’s Recommendations

Fr. Bill presents a handful of recommendations from Catholic History. Recommendations include the writings of such Church Fathers as Ignatius of Sts. Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, Augustine, Benedict as well as the works of St. John of the Cross, Theresa of Avila and Thomas Merton.

Is the “SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE” in the Bible?

Post-Enlightenment Political Philosophers pushed the Separation of Church and State. The Founding of the United States enshrines a more evolved understanding of this Political Principle. Fr. Bill talks about the difference, and how the United States understanding of this Principle is actually expressed in the Bible.


Reverence for the Way God Communicates His Word
Homily for the 30th Sunday of the Year – C

Psalm 34

What is God’s Language in your Home?
Fr. Bill preaches on the reverence the Biblical Authors had for the language in which the Bible was written, and how we should have reverence for the language which we speak and in which God has chosen to communicate his Holy Word to us down through the centuries to our time and place today.

THE END TIME! – What is it, When is it, How will we know it?

“The End Time – What is it?”
Apocalypse, part 2