How Does Election Rhetoric Measure Up to the US Constitution?

During Election Seasons there is a lot of soaring rhetoric by candidates for office, some hopefully, some doomsaying, some declaring what the candidate will or will not do if elected. Fr. Bill addresses some of the rhetoric and matches it against what is directed in the Constitution of the United States.


Fr. Bill discusses the Western Political principle of the Separation of Church and State in light of Catholic Saints like Stephen of Hungary and the Gospel reading that is shared on the occasion of his Feast Day. Fr. Bill applies the example of St. Stephen to Modern Political Leaders who profess a Catholic Faith in a society that exercises the Separation of Church and State while also enjoying Freedom of Religion.

Is the “SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE” in the Bible?

Post-Enlightenment Political Philosophers pushed the Separation of Church and State. The Founding of the United States enshrines a more evolved understanding of this Political Principle. Fr. Bill talks about the difference, and how the United States understanding of this Principle is actually expressed in the Bible.

TOTAL ECLIPSE – Is it a “Spiritual” Experience?

Many news reporters and spectators described the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 as a “Spiritual” experience.

Fr. Bill breaks down what this might mean in regard to the overall spirituality and religiosity of the nation, and how the image of a Total Eclipse fits into the spirituality and symbolism of Christianity.

“SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE” – Rendering Unto Caesar

Homily – 29th Sunday of the Year – A
Matthew 22:15-21

The United States has a particular approach to the “Separation of Church and State”. Fr. Bill explains how this country understands this doctrine, how it was incorporated into the nation’s Founding, how we get it wrong today, and how it perfectly expresses Jesus’ admonition to “render to Caesar…”


Fr. Bill returns to his podcast to talk about Christmas not only as a secular observance, but one in which even atheists give a nod to the birth of Jesus just by virtue of celebrating Christmas (however they do it).  Christmas is also a national reminder of our “First Freedom” as Americans — which is not the Freedom of Speech (at best, that is the Second Freedom).


The Apostles and the Great Catch of Fish
Homily – 3rd Sunday of Easter – C
Acts of the Apostles 5:27-32, 40b-41
John 21:1-19

Fr. Bill preaches on the Miracle of the Great Catch of Fish, and how the story, in its entirety, can be applied to the Mission of the Church today and the Constitutional Rights guaranteed to Americans in the United States Bill of Rights.


There is a freedom that is more important than the Freedom of Speech (and the U.S. Constitution agrees)

With the news regarding the sale of Twitter, there has been much discussion on the nature of the Freedom of Speech in the United States.  Fr. Bill discusses the importance of Free Speech, but also talks about another Freedom, in the Bill of Rights, more important than Free Speech, without which we will never enjoy freedom and Democratic Dominance over our Governmental Systems.