It’s Not an Off Switch
(Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)

24th Sunday of the Year – A

Matthew 18:21-35

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant illustrates Jesus’ command to forgive “seventy-seven ” times. Fr. Bill preaches on the difficulty of this unclassified Mandate from Jesus, what it means, and how we go about the process of Forgiveness.

WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY? – How to Think as God Does

22nd Sunday of the Year – A
Jeremiah 20:7-9
Romans 12:1-2
Matthew 16:21-27

Jesus admonishes St. Peter saying, “you are not thinking as God does, but as human beings do”. Fr. Bill preaches on ways we fall into thinking about our faith in God by Human Standards and ways in which we can think more like God, using God’s standards.


Why Did Jesus Tell His Disciples to Remain Silent?
Homily – 21st Sunday of the Year – A
Matthew 16:13-20

On numerous occasions Jesus tells the recipients of his miracles to say nothing to anyone. Fr. Bill discusses possible reasons why in light of Jesus’ subsequent question, “Who do people say that I am?”

WAS JESUS RACIST? – God’s “Exclusion” Policy

St. Paul and Jesus’ Encounter with the Canaanite Woman
Homily – 20th Sunday of the Year – A
Romans 11:13-15, 29-32
Matthew 15:21-28

There are clear distinctions between peoples in the Bible. Both Jesus and St. Paul play upon those distinctions, sometimes in shocking ways. Fr. Bill talks about how God has an “Exclusion Policy”, but not exclusively for Exclusivity. Watch his homily to hear God’s strategy for evangelization utilized by Jesus and St. Paul in which exclusivity is an essential tool.


Homily for Ascension Sunday – Year A
Matthew 28:16-20

Fr. Bill discusses the novels of C.S. Lewis, and the priorities Jesus left with us when He Ascended into Heaven. He also addresses the importance of Creation and the Eschaton in relation to those priorities as we await, hope in and expect the eventual Return of Jesus at the End of Time.


Homily for Mother’s Day, 2023
6th Sunday of Easter – Year A
John 14:15-21

Fr. Bill offers a Homily for Mother’s Day in which he discusses modern connotations of “love” with the Love Jesus speaks of in the Bible.


Good Shepherd Sunday
4th Sunday of Easter

Fr. Bill addresses the shortage of Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life in the Catholic Church. He proposes a shocking reason why he thinks God has been answering our prayers all along, and what Catholics can do to stem the tide of the decline so as to ensure a future increase in vocations.

COVID: 3 YEARS LATER – The “Lazarus Bookends”

Homily – 5th Sunday of Lent (A)
John 11:1-45 – The Raising of Lazarus

The last time the “Raising of Lazarus” was read at Sunday Mass the World was in the midst of Covid Lockdowns and a Spiritual Death-of-Sorts. Three years later, as we hear that Gospel story again, where are we now, how far have we come? Fr. Bill preaches on Jesus call “that they may have life and have it more abundantly”, and whether or not we have truly risen from this “death” from a disease that was “not to end in death” but that “the Glory of God may be revealed.”

HOLLYWOOD INCLUSIVITY – They Can Do It Without Help (and have done so in the past)

Fr. Bill talks about the recent Academy Awards, as well as the history of the Awards as a Hollywood institution. He talks about how Hollywood has grown in its own “inclusivity” over time, how it has forgotten it’s natural progress, and why it does not need the pushing of the “WOKE” movement to continue its development as a truly worldwide cinematic institution that has grown beyond Hollywood.