TEN COMMANDMENTS / TEN EXCEPTIONS – A Worldly Assault on the God’s Divine Law

Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent – B
Exodus 20:1-17
(Deuteronomy 5:6-21)

How does thee world cleverly draw us away from faithfully obeying the Ten Commandments and how does St. Joseph serve as a model of perfect adherence to them?

Fr. Bill talks about the Ten Commandments of God’s Law, what “Commandments” are imposed upon us by the secular world, and how the world draws us away from faithfully living the Ten Commandments by cleverly weaving a series of “exceptions” to the Commandments themselves that may be more familiar, and startling than we realize.

ONE COMMANDMENT or TWO – “You Shall Not Covet…”

The Ten Commandments – Video #20
“You Shall Not Covet…”

There are two traditions regarding the Commandment, “You Shall Not Covet”. One is contained in a single 10th Commandment, the other splits it into the 9th and 10th of the Ten Commandments.

Which tradition is the correct one?

Fr. Bill talks about how these two traditions came about, including the origin of both traditions.

STEALING PEOPLE & PROPERTY – The 7th Commandment, pt. 1

Video #17 — The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Steal”

“Thou Shall Not Steal” is usually associated with the property and possessions of others. How can it be understood in terms of the Exodus from Slavery brought about by God for His Holy People.

Fr. Bill discusses the 7th Commandment in terms of People, as well as Property, and relates “You Shall Not Steal”t to the dignity of labor God brought to the People of Israel in contrast to Slavery for a powerful overlord.


Video #13 – The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Kill”

Capital Punishment involves the killing of another human being usually someone guilty of violating the 5th Commandment. But is Capital Punishment itself a violation of the 5th Commandment?

Fr. Bill discusses the Death Penalty and how the 5th Commandment plays into God’s formation of his people from retaliation to either forgiveness, or a strict prescription on what forms of punishment are acceptable, and not acceptable in the eyes of God and the Standards God has given us to live.

ABORTION: MURDERING THE INNOCENT – The 5th Commandment, pt. 4

Video #12 – The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Kill”

How and why does Abortion especially apply to the 5th Commandment and what is the gravity for one who has incurred a completed abortion?
Are there Biblical Precedents for this?
Is there any Hope in Salvation for one who has had an Abortion?

Fr. Bill addresses this hot and sensitive topic; what the Church teaches, and how it deals with those who are guilty of this violation of the 5th Commandment.

A CALL TO FREEDOM – The 3rd Commandment

“Keep Holy the Sabbath [Lord’s] Day”

The 3rd Commandment is more than just a call to rest. Fr. Bill discusses how the Commandment ties into the Hebrew experience of Exodus and our Christian call to celebrate both Creation and the Resurrection.

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – Introduction & Numbering


A new series reviewing the Ten Commandments, in which Fr. Bill discusses their meaning for the people who received them, and their relevance for all of humanity today.