STEALING FROM GOD – The 7th Commandment, pt. 2

The Ten Commandments, #18
Stealing What is Yours
“You Shall Not Steal”

Is it possible to steal what is rightfully ours? Can one be guilty of stealing from the Poor and Stealing from God?

Fr. Bill expands on the 7th Commandment, “You Shall Not Steal” and shows how God worked into the Biblical Law His desire for us to share what is ours with those in need, while also providing for the Worship Life of the People.

STEALING PEOPLE & PROPERTY – The 7th Commandment, pt. 1

Video #17 — The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Steal”

“Thou Shall Not Steal” is usually associated with the property and possessions of others. How can it be understood in terms of the Exodus from Slavery brought about by God for His Holy People.

Fr. Bill discusses the 7th Commandment in terms of People, as well as Property, and relates “You Shall Not Steal”t to the dignity of labor God brought to the People of Israel in contrast to Slavery for a powerful overlord.