The Parable of the Unjust Judge
Homily for the 29th Sunday of the Year

Luke 18:1-8

Jesus tells us to be persistent in prayer, like the Widow was persistent with the Unjust Judge who refused to give her justice. Fr. Bill preaches on what it means to be persistent in our prayer to God, while, at the same time, being open to multiple possibilities of how God will (or will not) answer.


Our Lady of the Rosary, the Battle of Lepanto and the Power of Catholic Prayer

Last August an Op-Ed in the Atlantic declared the Rosary to be a symbol of Christian Nationalism and White Supremacy.  Fr. Bill discusses how the Rosary is in fact comparable to a weapon and how the Anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto demonstrates this to be true – but not the kind of weapon one would expect.  He further discusses the importance and Power of Prayer and why the Atlantic author reflects a great fear many have for the Catholici Power of Prayer.

ENTERING THE HEART OF DARKNESS – The Transfiguration of Abraham

2nd Sunday of Lent – C
The Transfiguration

Abraham’s Sacrifice of the Covenant and the Transfiguration have something in common. Fr. Bill talks about the experience of Prayer, its ultimate goal, and how one can grow in Prayer during the Season of Lent.

PONDERING HOW WE PRAY – The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Reflection for Saturday of the 3rd Week of Lent

In the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector Jesus presents two ways of praying, as well as two dispositions for prayer. How do we fit into both (not one or the other) of these examples and how can we grow away from the example of the Pharisee, to the humility and God-centered prayer of the Tax Collector?

Lenten Practices – Do We “Have” to Do Them?

Reflection for Friday of the First Week of Lent

Lent is a time of Penance and Spiritual Discipline. But, do we really have to participate? What if we are just “not that into it”, just don’t want to?

Fr. Bill discusses how Lenten Practices fit into the over all scheme of “belonging to Christ” and what is at stake when we engage in our annual Lenten Observances and Sacrifices.