HATING FATHER AND MOTHER – Putting Jesus in the Back Seat

Homily for the 23rd Sunday of the Year
Luke 14:25-33

Jesus tells us we must “hate” our Mother and Father if we are to be His Disciples. Fr. Bill preaches on the meaning behind Jesus words, under what circumstances they were first heard and written, and how they are still relevant to Christians today.


The Spiritual Strain of Lenten Spiritual Exercses
Homily – 1st Sunday of Lent (Year C)
Luke 4:1-13 – The Temptation of Jesus in the Desert

What is the point of Spiritual Exercise without the Strain of Temptation?

Fr. Bill preaches about the Individual and Communal Observances of Lent and how they fit into the experience Jesus had in the Temptation in the Desert.

A Spoonful of Sugar…Makes the Seed Grow

The Parables of Jesus
Homily – 11th Sunday of the Year – B
Mark 4:26-34

Jesus, like the character Mary Poppins, often spoke through metaphor and innuendo, rarely explaining their meaning, but leaving it to our thoughts and reflections, nourished by the details of the Gospel that He taught. Fr. Bill talks about the wide variety of parables Jesus told, why he told them, and why He rarely explained their meaning.

Love That is Conditional

Homily for the 6th Sunday of Easter – B
John 15:9-17

We value the virtue of Love. We celebrate Jesus’ Unconditional Love; but do we realize that the Love Jesus requires of us is NOT “Unconditional” There are Conditions to that Love Jesus calls us to.

Fr. Bill talks about what those Conditions are that Jesus wants of us when he tells us to “Love One Another”

A Carpenter, NOT a Shepherd

Homily – 4th Sunday of Easter
“Good Shepherd Sunday”
Acts 4:8-12
John 10:11-18

Jesus was not a Shepherd, but a Carpenter. Fr. Bill talks about how Jesus as the Good Shepherd is a part of Christian Mythology, that speaks to a greater truth about our Faith.

GOD’S “GREEN” LAWS – The Ten Commandments & Creation (Series Finale)

The Ten Commandments – Video #22
God’s Creation, Jesus’ Command to Love, and the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are “Green Laws” in that they complement the dynamic of God’s laws of God’s Creation.

In the concluding video to this series, Fr. Bill discusses this dynamic, as well as how the Commandments are related to Jesus Commandment to “Love One Another”.

LEGAL & MORAL TRUTH – The 8th Commandment

The Ten Commandments – Video #19
“You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.”

“Bearing False Witness” connotes a legal setting, but in the Christian context, with the teachings of Jesus, “TRUTH” is an important part of our cultural and faith “identity”.

Fr. Bill discusses the 8th Commandment – “You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor” in light of the broader standard that the People of God, and the Followers of Christ, be known as People of the Truth.

God’s Promise of Persecutions

Sunday Homily
June 21, 2020
12th Sunday of the Year – A

God promised Jeremiah the prophet that he would be rejected and persecuted. Jesus promised the Church that they would be hated by the World.

Fr. Bill addresses the reality of Persecution against Christians, it’s forms and strategies, as well as when and where we continue to see it played out even today, and closer than we think.

About “ORIENTATION” – The 6th Commandment, pt. 3

Video #15 – The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Commit Adultery”

An important issue regarding Human Sexuality is the issue of “Orientation”. Fr. Bill discusses this sensitive topic and how it applies to the 6th Commandment – “You Shall Not Commit Adultery”