Scandals in the Catholic Church – The Brett Winterble Show

In my latest visit to the Brett Winterble Show Brett and I discuss the recent wave of scandal in the Catholic Church and what it means for Catholics to remain faithful, and priests to remain professional in their dealings with people of all ages.  Interview begins at 17:56.

Are We in a Modern Civil War? – The Brett Winterble Show

My Latest visit to the Brett Winterble Show

Many believe our nation is fighting a “Cold Civil War”.  On Brett’s show we discuss the real Civil War our nation fought and how it continues to affect our country today.

How Should We Choose Our U.S. Senators? – Return to the Brett Winterble Show


With the accusations against Judge Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate Race in Alabama, Brett Winterble and I discuss how the Founding Fathers intended when selecting U.S. Senators, and how it was changed in the 17th Amendment to the Constitution.

500th ANNIVERSARY OF PROTESTANTISM!! — on the Brett Winterble Show

Halloween and the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
Interview on October 31, 2017
The Brett Winterble Show — KFMB AM760 San Diego

BATTLE OF LEPANTO – the Brett Winterble Show

Visited the Brett Winterble Show (AM 760 KFMB San Diego) on Columbas Day, October 9, 2017.  We talked about another pivotal event in the history of Europe — the Battle of Lepanto.  Brett and I discussed the events and importance of this battle against the Islamic forces of the Ottoman Turks to European History and how the Catholic Church planned, executed and down to today celebrates that great victory.

The World did Not End on Sept. 23, 2017

Evangelicals asserted that recent Hurricanes in Texas, Louisiana and Florida and Earthquakes in Mexico were precursers to the End of the World, and that that the world would end on September 23, 2017 because certain cosmic phenomena were to be in line with various passages of the Book of Revelation.

I returned to the Brett Winterble Show, KFMB AM 760 San Diego, on Friday, Sept 22, the day before “The End” to discuss Apocalyptic Literature, the nature and purpose of its symbols and how The Book of Revelation not only spoke to the people of its time, but continues to speak to universal themes today — none of which invovle the “End of the World as We Know It”.